ERP Solutions

Entreprise Resource Planning[ERP] Solutions:

We are expert in implementing and supporting your business to migrate to world class ERP Solutions to manage business on the go.!!

We help you in implementing ERP Suite with use-cases, integrations and maximum automation to strive your business to new heights.

Cloud/ Self Hosted

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Cloud/ Self Hosted

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Features of ERP solutions from NameSpark:

Complete Accounting solution for whole organization. Now need of separate software for book keeping.

All Warehousing support and easy automation of PO and Raw material movements

Easy payment collection through payment gateways and SMS alerts

  Multi tenant architecture design and support

Integrated marketplace to sell the products and goods online

Management Insights on business and the derive efficiency in one click.

Free factory shipped data exclusively build by NameSpark experts for all use cases

One solution for the whole organization!! No external purchase needed for HR, Inventory, POS, CRM etc

Quicker implementation Model exclusively designed by NameSpark.

Connect with us for Free Online Demo and consult more!!